API: Users endpoints¶
GET /user¶
Get/check user.
[] Input:
- [!] string user: user identification string
[] Output:
- string user: user identification string
- string name: full name
- boolean status: user is enabled
- boolean exam: exam account
POST /user¶
Create new user account.
[] Input:
- [!] string{4,64} username: username
- string{4,64} password: password
- default: initial random password is automatically generated
- [!] string{1,64} first_name: first name
- [!] string{1,64} last_name: last name
- string{1,255} full_name: override automatic full name (built from first and last names)
- string{1,255} display_name: override automatic display name (which is the full name)
- [!] string email: valid email address
- string phone: valid phone number
- format: "+prefix number" without any special characters and symbols
- example: +1 1234567890 or +36 301234567
- string gender: gender
- male
- female
- other
- date birthdate: date of birth
- boolean exam: user is only allowed to login when accessing exams
- default: false
- string group: name of the user group (requires admin permissions)
- string template: a template ID for the new account
- streaming: restricted users for automatically generated users for occasional streams
- default: none
- string custom_{field}: custom field data
- only if specified field is configured for target EduBase instance
- string language: desired account language
- default: API application owner's language
- string timezone: desired timezone
- default: API application owner's timezone
- string color: desired favorite color
- possible values: default / branding / red / blue / yellow / green / purple
- default: default
- boolean must_change_password: user is forced to change password on first login
- default: false
- boolean notify: notify user via email (or SMS)
- default: false
[] Output:
- string user: user identification string
- string username: username, only if exam=false
- string password: password, only if exam=false
[] Example:
/* Initialize cURL */
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_URL, $url);
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_FOLLOWLOCATION, 1);
/* Add data (as array) */
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_POST, 1);
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_SAFE_UPLOAD, true);
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_POSTFIELDS, $data);
/* Process call and receive response */
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_HEADER, 0);
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, 1);
# Send data as multipart/form-data
curl -s --request POST --url "https://$API_DOMAIN/api/v$API_VERSION/user" --header "Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded" --data "username=$username" --data "first_name=$first_name" --data "last_name=$last_name" --data "full_name=$full_name" --data "email=$email" --data "exam=false" --data "template=$template" --data "app=$APP_ID" --data "secret=$APP_SECRET"
DELETE /user¶
Delete user.
[] Input:
- [!] string user: user identification string
GET /user:name¶
Get user's name.
[] Input:
- [!] string user: user identification string
[] Output:
- string user: the user identification string
- string first_name: first name
- string last_name: last name
- string full_name: full name
- string display_name: display name
POST /user:name¶
Update a user's name.
[] Input:
- [!] string user: user identification string
- [!] string{1,64} first_name: first name
- [!] string{1,64} last_name: last name
- string{1,255} full_name: full name
- string{1,255} display_name: display name
[] Output:
- string user: the user identification string
- boolean success: operation is successful
- boolean changed: name has been changed
GET /user:group¶
Get user's group.
[] Input:
- [!] string user: user identification string
[] Output:
- string user: the user identification string
- string group: user group code
POST /user:group¶
Update a user's group.
[] Input:
- [!] string user: user identification string
- [!] string group: user group code
[] Output:
- string user: the user identification string
- boolean success: operation is successful
- boolean changed: name has been changed
GET /user:login¶
Get latest valid login link for user.
[] Input:
- [!] string user: user identification string
[] Output:
- string user: the user identification string
- string url: the login link
- datetime valid: validity (end of day) of the generated link
POST /user:login¶
Generate link. If a valid link with the same settings exist, it will be returned instead of creating a new one.
[] Input:
- [!] string user: user identification string
- string redirect: redirect after a successful login
- URI path or [{content_type}:{tag}]
- integer/date expires: expiry in days (1-30) or
- default: 1 day
- integer logins: total count the link can be used to login users
- default: 1
- string template: a template ID for the login link
- boolean short: generate shortened (eduba.se) link
- only if feature is enabled on EduBase
[] Output:
- string user: the user identification string
- string url: the login link
- datetime valid: validity of the generated link
- integer count: maximum number the link can be used to login
DELETE /user:login¶
Delete a previously generated link.
[] Input:
- [!] string user: user identification string
- [!] string url: generated login link to be invalidated
GET /user:search¶
Lookup user by email, username or code.
[] Input:
- [!] string query: query string
[] Output:
- string user: user identification string
- boolean exam: exam account
POST /user:assume¶
Assume user for next requests with assume token.
[] Input:
- [!] string user: user identification string, username or email address
- string password: password or user secret
[] Output:
- string user: user identification string
- boolean token: assume token
- datetime valid: validity of the generated token
DELETE /user:assume¶
Revoke assume token.
[] Input:
- [!] string token: assume token